Ice-Breakers: Your Saviour When You Fall Short Of Words!

Be it your date, boss, arranged marriage meeting, or be it, anyone, meeting someone for the first time is an emotion full of excitement, followed by butterflies in the stomach, a little anxiety, and many self-criticizing doubts. One that tops the list (for so many out there) is falling short of words. The night before the big day for them is occupied with the questions like; What if there will be nothing left to talk about? What if we will have to cut it short because all the words in the world got extinct? What if she/he won’t give it a second chance because I turned out to be a complete bore. 

Well, there is no escape to such doubts, but there is definitely a way out to present the best version of yourself when you meet someone for the first time and don’t want to make it monotonous and uninteresting. Yes, it’s some best ice-breaking questions to blend smoothly in your conversation and make it more engaging. 

Ice-breakers are a set of questions specially framed to build bonding and a sense of comfort between two individuals. The range of these questions is surprisingly very vast, covering all aspects like work, dates, personal life, etc., But unfortunately, this concept of ice-breaking questions is often underestimated. Try this trick out and decide for yourself. 

You don’t have to work hard for the questions. They are all out there, just filter them. The Internet is flooded with all sorts of ice-breaking questions for you to jot them out and make the best use of them. 

Apart from the basic ones, here’s a list of 9 unique and best ice breaking questions for you at a glance! 

  1. You look like some famous reel life character. Is it? Or it is just me making a random observation? 

  2. As a child, what was the funniest thing you wanted to become?

  3. If you ever got a chance to see yourself in the Guinness book of world records, what record would it be with your name?

  4. If only you in this world were blessed with one extra hour after that 24th hour, what would you do every day? 

  5. What is that one dish you can eat for the rest of your life without getting bored? Order the same! 

  6. Die with many regrets in life, live long, or die with no regrets but die early? 

  7. If you could choose one historical family to be your in-laws, who would it be? 

  8. If you could switch your date today with someone else (that’s me,, of course), who would be the lucky guy/girl? 

  9. If I get the news of you behind the bars, what crime should I expect? 

  10. Your first crush? It has to be on the list. 

Say goodbye to those awkward and tense silences and welcome some cheerful conversations with the best icebreakers as your perfect date trick.  

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